Tax Bankruptcy Attorneys Can Help

Tax bankruptcy attorneys can you help you resolve any tax debt you may owe to the IRS or State of Colorado.  Few many realize that tax debt can be discharged in a bankruptcy.  That’s right, you can eliminate your taxes by filing bankruptcy.  Even the IRS...

Bankruptcy Filing Broomfield on the Rise

Bankruptcy filing Broomfield and the U.S. are predicted to increase due to COVID according to a recent Washington Post article.  COVID has impacted certain industries very hard.  For example, the number of bankruptcies has increased by 20% for businesses in real...
Rebuild Credit with Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Rebuild Credit with Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy can be a confusing subject for many of us.  Many clients ask, “If I file Chapter 7 bankruptcy, will I be able to rebuild my credit?” The answer is “Yes!” A Chapter 7 may be an option for you if you have significant debt and are receiving frequent collection...

Why People are Filing Bankruptcy

If you are considering filing bankruptcy, you may be nervous that others will think you just went out and had a shopping spree at the mall and then decided to not pay your credit cards. For the majority of people filing bankruptcy, that scenario couldn’t be further...
Different Types of Bankruptcy

Different Types of Bankruptcy

There are several types of bankruptcy to help you get out of debt. Each bankruptcy has different purposes, requirements, and ramifications. Here is a brief description of the different types of bankruptcy: Chapter 13 Chapter 13 bankruptcy allows an individual to pay...